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Hello! I'm


a software dev

about me

name: phuc tran
education: stanford university
major: computer science
interests: games, coding, tennis, cooking, art, design


python & c/c++ ~

web development ~

game development ~

design (UX/UI) ~

my fun facts

My first introduction to video games was a wii that my dad brought home when I was younger. We only had two games: wii sports and transformers (he liked robots). We later transitioned into Roblox where we would make our own games (although not great since there was a lack of code)! Today, I enjoy playing Valorant, nintendo switch games, and Stardew. When I am feeling creative, I hop on Unity...

Tennis is my go-to sport when I need to let off steam or when I want to work out. Though an independent sport, I met some of my greatest friends through varsity tennis in high school. Some of my fondest memories are the road trips we took to different rival schools and, of course, the team dinners after.

I worked at my local pho restaurant back in Austin for almost 4 years. During my time there, I learned how to wait tables, wash dishes, and cook (essential college skills for me at this point). My favorite part of the job was always meeting new people. Shout out to my two favorite regulars who came by to see me even during COVID c:


COOL Compiler

Implemented the lexer, parser, semantic analyzer, and code generator modules using C++, Flex, Bison, and MIPs assembly ensuring accurate translation of the COOL language.

Integrated error handling mechanisms, contributing to improved code quality and developer experience.

Network Stack

Developed a scalable network stack infrastructure with bytestream, TCP, network interface, and routing components (ARP) using C++.

Components was built on OOP principles and data structures such as strings, bitmaps, queues, maps, and trie.

MOOvies Chatbot

Designed and developed a conversational recommender system that generates movie recommendations based on the user’s feedback using Item-Item collaborative filtering.

Extended the chat bot to remove semantic and conversational ambiguities and capture movie titles without quotation marks.

Network Proxy

Constructed a network proxy that ingests a client’s request, establishes a connection between the server, and returns the server’s response to the client. Added support for caches and blocklists.

Utilized a threadpool class to schedule requests concurrently.

Stanford Shell

Developed a concurrent shell that enabled the execution of multiple jobs in parallel using a job queue.

Extended the shell's functionality by incorporating I/O redirection and creating complex command pipelines.

Unix V6 Filesystem Lookup

Implemented a program to list and read files from a disk formatted with the Unix v6 filesystem.

Parsed through several layers in the v6 filesystem including the block, inode, and file layers.

C Heap Allocator

Implemented malloc, realloc, and free functions to manage and fulfill requests for heap memory.

Maximized for throughput and ultilization using coalescing and doubly linked list structures.

project details coming soon!!
